

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Fazzari


We are having a blast in fourth grade! Please continue to practice your math facts!

Don't forget to bring a snack and a smile :)

Click below to view report cards:

Genesis Parent Portal  

Below find report card indicators:

“4” – EXCEEDING STANDARDS – indicates that a  student consistently and independently performs at a level above what is expected. The  student is beginning to grasp and apply key concepts, processes, and skills. for mastery.  The student extends and applies knowledge beyond the targeted goal.  A “4” is difficult to obtain and indicates unusually high achievement.

“3” – MEETING STANDARDS – indicates that a student has proficient understanding and is meeting grade level standards by consistently grasping and applying key concepts, processes, and skills.  A “3” is something to celebrate!

 “2” – APPROACHING STANDARDS – indicates that a student has basic understanding and partially meets grade level standards.  The student may need extra time or help to understand key concepts, processes, and skills.

“1” – NEEDS SUPPORT – indicates that a student has minimal understanding and is not meeting grade level standards.  The student will need interventions to grasp key concepts, processes, and essential skills.