Special Education Advisory Group (SEPAG)

  • Wall Township is proud to announce the Special Education Parent Advisory Group (SEPAG). A SEPAG is a parent-driven group that gives parents the opportunity to have direct input on the policies, programs, and practices that impact services and support for their children. Please click the links below to read the minutes from our meetings.  

    Wall SEPAG has a new Facebook page. The Wall SEPAG Facebook group provides a forum for dialogue on the topic of special education within the Wall Township community. We offer a supportive, informative, and encouraging environment to ask questions, voice concerns, and provide direct input regarding Special Services. You will also receive information about important announcements, group meetings, and seminars. Click this FaceBook link to join today!
    If you have any questions, please email sepagwall@gmail.com.
red and blue graphics with Wall logo

SEPAG Presentation: 12.2.24

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.

Parent Liaisons

  • For any questions, please contact one of the Executive Board members. If you would like to talk to a parent liaison, they are listed below as well.

Special Education Acronyms

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.