Course Overview:
This course is a continuation of the introduction to the fundamentals of speaking, reading and writing the Spanish language. The emphasis is on communication, oral and written, in real life situations. Students also increase their cultural awareness of the peoples in Spanish speaking countries through a variety of authentic readings. The length and depth of written and oral work is greater.
Google classroom codes:
Period 4: lfyir32
Period 7: cxpolz2
Period 8: xzn7y23
Supplies: Charged chromebook, binder, paper, pencil
Unit 1: Clothing and Daily Routine
Essential Questions:
How can I become a more effective reader, writer, speaker and listener in languages other than English?
How does the language I'm studying help me to better understand my native language?
What can I already communicate in my new language?
How does the clothing people wear reflect the society in which the people live?
How is the clothing I wear different from the clothing an adolescent in another country wears?
How is my typical day similar/different to other adolescents?